Treating a torticollis, 4 natural solutions

Torticollis may be benign most of the time, but it is nonetheless painful and disabling, as it limits our movements. Application of heat, massage, stretching, plants... here is how to effectively relieve it.

Treating a torticollis, 4 natural solutions

Torticollis (tortum collum in Latin, which means "twisted neck") is a very painful muscular contraction of the neck, which often prevents you from holding your head straight. Often caused by poor posture during the day or at night, the torticollis can also be due to muscle distension during an effort. Pain is felt, especially when trying to straighten the neck. Four practical tips to soothe the pain.

Apply heat to relieve tension due to torticollis.

Whether the torticollis is in its early stages or already well established, "the heat is always interesting because it has a vasodilatory action. It improves local circulation and promotes muscle relaxation to stop the pain/contraction cycle," explains physiotherapist Xavier Dufour.

How to do it?

Heat should be applied as often as possible, both during the day and at night. Several options are possible: hot shower, hot water bottle, cherry pit cushion, hot wet towel... Advantage all the same of the heating patches and other thermal pockets to be placed on the upper back (Mercurochrome, Syntholkine, ThermaCare, Actipoche Thermal microbeads, cervical, and trapezium): practical and effective, they deliver heat continuously for 8 hours. To be covered with a scarf to better conserve heat.

Getting a massage to relieve pain

"When you are contracted, the simple fact of touching the affected area allows you to short-circuit the message of pain at the nervous level, even if the effect does not last more than a few hours," explains Xavier Dufour, physiotherapist.

The ideal is to be massaged by a physiotherapist or an osteopath or, failing that, by someone close to you. On the other hand, it's better to avoid self-massage, because it stresses the trapezius muscles and prevents you from relaxing properly.

How to do it?

With both thumbs or the whole palm, massage for at least 10 minutes from the top of the neck down to the trapezoids.

To strengthen the action of the massage, use a gel or oil that combines anti-inflammatory plants (harpagophytum, meadowsweet, arnica ...) and relaxing essential oils (wintergreen, peppermint ...): Cartimotil Gel Pileje, Paltz Relaxing Gel, Harpagreen Gel LPEV, Organic Massage Oil Muscle Effort Puressentiel.

Use relaxing plants to unwind

The plant option is to be retained when one suffers from repeated blockages, clearly linked to stress. "It is one of the most classic causes of torticollis because it translates into muscular tension in the trapezius muscles and neck," says Xavier Dufour. The objective: to release these tensions to relieve contracture.

How to do it?

"Valerian is a good alternative to pain medication, thanks to its sedative and relaxing action," says Dr. Eric Lorrain, herbalist.
In the event of an attack, it should be used as soon as possible, 3 times a day, and in the form of a liquid extract (EPS, Phytostandard; Liquid Extract, A. Vogel) for rapid action. It relaxes in less than 2 hours. To be coupled if the pain is severe and/or lasts more than 5 days with tablets combining willow and harpagophytum extracts (Phytostandard at PhytoPrevent, 6 tablets/day), with anti-inflammatory virtues.

Stretching to prevent neck blockage

To be done only if the movements are not too limited or painful, and rather after having relaxed the area with the heat. Stretching helps to promote movement and not get stuck in the wrong position. "They are also useful in prevention. Doing them regularly makes the neck more supple if you often have neck pain and torticollis due to poor posture at work, for example," adds Xavier Dufour.

What stretching if the pain is moderate?

You can do these stretches to relieve muscle tension.
  • Sitting with your feet flat, your spine well aligned, your forearms relaxed on a table or your thighs, gently turn your head to the left, as far as possible but without pain. Close your eyes and hold the position for 20 seconds.
  • Sitting with your back straight, grasp the edge of the chair with your left hand. Then lower your head slightly, chin to chest, and tilt it to the right. Place your right hand on your head and gently stretch your neck.

What stretching if the pain is severe?

First of all, choose a relaxation exercise to loosen the neck. Sit or stand with your shoulders low and your neck extended, with the top of your head pointing upward to the sky. Inhale and raise the shoulders towards the ears, exhale and relax the shoulders without tension in the neck. Imagine that your neck is getting longer.

The exercises are to be done 5 times on each side and are taken from 80 exercises to end back pain, Jean-François Harvey (éd. Médicis, 28,95 $). Be careful to always do slow, progressive and non jerky movements, exhaling while stretching!

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