Bad nutrition kills in every country of the world.

Bad nutrition kills in every country of the world.

Nutrient deficiencies, overweight, excess sugar, and fat... No country in the world meets the WHO's objectives in the fight against malnutrition, which has become one of the leading risk factors for death.

Chronic malnutrition, stunted growth, nutrient deficiency, underweight, overweight, or obesity: diet-related health problems affect, in one form or another, every country in the world. A universal scourge, malnutrition affects rich and poor, men and women, at all ages of life. "It is one of the first risk factors for disease and death, weighing more heavily than air pollution or smoking," warns Jessica Fanzo, a researcher at the American University Johns Hopkins and lead author of the report on global nutrition 2018, released Thursday.

This vast study was conducted annually since 2014 compiles, country by country, all known statistical data on malnutrition to raise awareness and guide public policy. "Throughout the world, the burden of malnutrition remains high and progress is slow," write the experts, denouncing "an unacceptable situation".

Children under 5 years of age severely affected

Thus, most countries appear unlikely to meet the targets set by the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve maternal, infant, and young child nutrition by 2025. There are six targets (stunting, anemia, underweight, overweight, breastfeeding, and wasting). Only 94 countries out of 194 are on track to achieve at least one of these goals. No country is on track for adult obesity and anemia. None has made progress toward all six targets.

Despite some progress, the overall picture is bleak. Children under the age of five still suffer from multiple forms of malnutrition: 150 million are stunted (a declining number except in Africa), 50 million are emaciated and 38 million are overweight. Rates vary considerably by region and even within countries. 20 million babies are born underweight each year. At the same time, overweight and obesity have reached a record level, approaching 40%. Women are more affected than men.

Improve diets

To fight against this scourge, experts suggest "urgent attention should be paid to improving diets". The data collected show that "the population is eating poorly". And it starts very early: only 41% of infants are exclusively breastfed, and sales of infant milk are increasing rapidly, suggesting a significant change in the diet of babies and young children. Between 6 and 23 months of age, less than one child in five is fed according to the criteria of minimum acceptable feeding.

Poor eating habits are universal, according to experts. Regardless of their level of wealth, school-age children, adolescents, and adults eat too many refined cereals and sugary foods and drinks, and not enough healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. An analysis of more than 23,000 packaged food products shows that 69% are of relatively poor nutritional quality, with the proportion being higher in low- and middle-income countries.

There are ways to act, the researchers point out, citing taxes on sweetened beverages as well as policies to improve product composition as examples. In this fight, a special effort should be made to focus on adolescents, an age when nutrient needs are increasing.