The benefits of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts

Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts are precious to protect our cardiovascular health and fight against bad cholesterol. These nuts make delicious and healthy snacks to be preferred.

The benefits of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts

Varying your nut consumption provides your body with many different nutrients.

Good nutrients for every nut

. The hazelnut provides vitamin E: a portion of 30 g (10 to 12 hazelnuts) provides 2 g or 20% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin that strengthens the immune system.

  • . The walnut is rich in omega-3: it contains 8 g/100 g of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. Our recommended daily intake is 2 g. They are easily reached with 20 g of walnuts, i.e. about 5.
  • . The almond to fill up with magnesium: it contains 232 mg/100 g when our daily needs are 350 mg of this mineral essential to the nervous influx, and of which 70% of women are deficient.

3 healthy reasons to eat nuts

1. Nuts satisfy hunger.

«Dried fruits provide between 16 g and 25 g of vegetable proteins per 100 g and between 5 g and 12 g of fiber, says Dr. Pascale Modaï, nutritionist. These two elements affect satiety. Taken around 5 p.m., nuts limit the caloric contributions of the evening. »

2. They lower cholesterol levels. 

They are rich in plant sterols, which are close to the structure of cholesterol. In the body, these sterols compete with cholesterol by trapping cholesterol in the digestive tract and limiting its passage through the intestine, thus reducing bad cholesterol by 10-15%.

3. Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts prevent obesity

They have a glycemic index of 15.

"This low index does not increase blood glucose levels and does not cause a spike in insulin, which ultimately leads to weight gain and risk of obesity," explains Dr. Modaï.

 Precautions before eating nuts

  • If you are allergic, nuts can trigger various symptoms in the minutes or two hours following ingestion: hives, asthma, nausea...
  • If you suffer from kidney stones, nuts contain oxalates that can trigger a painful attack.

Almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts: choosing and storing them.

When you shake the shell, you must not hear the fruit moving, otherwise it means it is dried out. Also, make sure that the shells are free of stains and holes.

You can store nuts in a cool, dry place for several months in an airtight box.

Three foods with which to cook nuts

  • Roquefort: it provides calcium and penicillin which has an anti-inflammatory effect protecting the heart. To be eaten with nuts on toasted country bread.

  • Pear: it provides fibers that stimulate intestinal transit. It is cooked in the oven, stuffed with walnuts, almonds, chopped hazelnuts sprinkled with honey. It can also be poached and eaten with toasted almonds.

  • Endive: it contains many minerals and trace elements, and can be combined with nuts and apple slices for a gourmet salad.

  • To read: the special issue "Bien manger" of Santé magazine (October-November 2020) with a big dossier on nuts.

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