Five drinks healthier than water

six drinks healthier than water

Hydration is fundamental in life. Did you know that there are healthier beverages than water and solutions that will allow you to enjoy even more dynamic hydration?

Since the dawn of time, we never stop hearing about the virtues of this drink. The planet is water, our body is water. It is therefore fundamental for our health that we drink it.

Moreover, our bodies thank us for it. Our skin is firm, fresh, and young.

However, the incursions of conventional medicine into the most traditional remedies and the rise of naturopathic research have led us to discover healthier drinks than water.

This is good news for people who don't like to drink water so much but do it to take care of themselves.

All the drinks we will present here are natural and not industrial.

As you know, industrial drinks always contain substances to increase the taste, to preserve them, or to lower their prices. These substances are all harmful to our organism.

Thus, it can be said that any natural drink is better than a processed drink.

Discover five healthier drinks than water 

1. Aloe Vera Water

Aloe Vera Water

If we had to talk about THE discovery of the 21st century, we would talk about aloe vera. Every day, we discover new functions for it: from its anti-healing function to its function of reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Thanks to its antioxidant and purifying properties, we started extracting its juice to clean our intestinal flora and prevent the aging of our cells.

If you have problems with constipation, cholesterol or even blood circulation, this is your drink!

2. The Beetroot juice

The Beetroot juice

Some time ago, it was complicated to buy them out of the canned goods. But nowadays, almost every supermarket has them in its fruit and vegetable section. Take advantage and try this nutritious juice.

It's delicious and you'll get vitamins A, B, and C, antioxidants, calcium, amino acids, potassium, magnesium, sugar, and water. 

Don't worry about the preparation. Despite the color of the beet, you will have no trouble cleaning your blender.

3. Fruit drinks 

Fruit drinks

It is not about juice. It's about adding fruit to water. Perhaps the best are strawberries, watermelon, basil, cucumber, or blueberries.

The best thing is to think about what you need and choose fruit accordingly. You'll make your water intake a much more enjoyable experience.

4.The tea

The tea

It is one of the most consumed drinks in the world but some people are not aware of its benefits.

Each taste offers very specific benefits, but all teas provide the following benefits:

  • They prevent tooth problems.
  • It improves blood circulation.
  • They are anti-inflammatory.
  • They prevent the development of bacteria in the interior.

Tea is also widely used in slimming diets, especially green tea, thanks to its strong purifying power. It allows us to eliminate fats and toxins more easily.

5. Coconut water

Coconut water

Maybe the younger ones know it because it is featured on survival reality shows.

Sometimes the participants feed only with this water and this is not surprising because it is a very complete food, given its high potassium levels.

This mineral allows a more powerful hydration.

Even if the supermarkets sell coconut water, we recommend that you go to a herbalist or naturopathic store.

Thank's you for reading this article.