protein bars: why and how to consume them 

protein bars: why and how to consume them

Protein bars are not exclusively reserved for athletes and bodybuilders, although they are certainly among the biggest consumers in this field. They can also be consumed by people who want to lose weight or maintain it. They can also be eaten by people who want to limit their intake of sugary foods and eat healthy snacks that can be easily consumed between meals.

To build a strong, athletic body, it's not enough to work out in the gym or play sports. Athletes also need to build their physique and muscles from a healthy and appropriate diet, both during and outside of their daily meals. Taking into account their specific needs, athletes of all kinds, and not only those who practice weight training, must therefore favour healthy snacks and adapted food supplements to complement their main meals, before, during, but especially after their training sessions.

These snacks must be rich in proteins (of quality) in order to support the synthesis and the muscular recovery which takes place during the phases of rest. This includes, but is not limited to, protein powder. In this article, we will talk about the interest of protein bars and help you choose the right protein bar. Here's how to choose the best protein bar: weight gain, with or without gluten, with or without lactose, etc.

The composition of the protein bars

The sportsman needs elaborated and perfectly balanced nutritional intakes. The ideal protein bar generally contains a high level of protein (with a good level of essential amino acids) and good lipids (often from oleaginous plants such as hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.). A good protein bar should also contain micronutrients (vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and potassium) and a moderate level of carbohydrates depending on the purpose.

The latter can be to limit fat intake and promote muscle mass gain, for example. The best protein bar is the one that meets your needs. It must nevertheless be made from date paste, for the most natural bars. Industrial bars are most often made with glucose syrup or maltodextrin.

Pay attention to nutritional values

Proteins are necessary for building and maintaining muscle mass. They promote tissue regeneration, fatigue reduction, and recovery. Their rate must be at least 20 g per sports protein bar.

Carbohydrates or sugars are the sources of energy that allows you to perform physical activities. They also provide a metabolic function and help regulate body temperature. Their role is also to maintain the proper functioning of the nervous and cerebral systems. Its rate must be kept below 10 g per protein bar.

Good fats or lipids also provide energy. They are essential to support the production of growth hormones and promote good cardiovascular health. Their level should  not exceed 15 g per protein bar. There is an exception for bars called "keto", about the ketogenic diet.

Read the label before you buy

Read the label on the protein bars to see the list of ingredients. You need to know how many vitamins, trace elements and minerals they contain. Sports protein bars will also need to provide a wide variety of micronutrients such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. Above all, choose protein bars that provide sufficient calories. The best protein bar should contain at least 200 calories, as well as a high percentage of protein (12% to 25% on average).

How to choose the taste of your protein bar

protein bars: why and how to consume them

How to choose the right protein bar? There is indeed something for every taste, and so much the better! From vegan protein bars to gluten-free and lactose-free bars, it's hard not to find what you're looking for. And nothing prevents you from consuming different kinds of bars if you feel like it. There is only one condition: choose quality protein bars. 

Choose a protein bar to your taste 

As the saying goes, it is a matter of "taste and color". Not everyone has the same! Finally, according to the principle of "no pain, no gain", if sacrifices are sometimes necessary to obtain a refined silhouette with well defined muscles, it is not essential to eat tasteless or even repulsive tasting things. On the contrary, pleasure is an important element and the protein bar should also be seen as a reward at the end of your workout. And not as a torment.

Many people enjoy the chocolate in protein bars, while others prefer the vitamin-rich taste of fruit. In this sense, you can add flavour to your homemade protein bar by adding dried fruit or chocolate chips. Note that these ingredients are high in calories, which can be interesting depending on your workout program and goal. A protein bar with a pleasant taste is always more motivating and enjoyable. 

Is there such a thing as the perfect protein bar?

On the market, you will find protein bars with many flavors to choose from (chocolate, coconut, banana, orange, peanut, etc.). This makes it possible to rectify the bad taste or lack of flavor of certain ingredients such as whey or rice proteins that they often contain. And then, contrary to what is said above, it is not because a bar is not good from a taste point of view that it is good from a nutritional point of view. The latest advances from manufacturers in this area are such that you will be able to find "perfect" bars: as good from a nutritional point of view as from a taste point of view! Eating well means eating healthy while enjoying yourself. And to find the best bar, the perfect protein bar, you can also get behind the stove.  program and goal. A protein bar with a pleasant taste is always more motivating and enjoyable. 

Which protein bar for recovery? 

You are looking for the best protein bar for recovery, but you don't know which one to choose. It is quite understandable, as the ranges offered in the stores are so numerous. To optimize recovery, your protein bar must be as rich as possible in protein . They are they which will support muscular reconstruction, in a complement of the proteins of your meals . Protein bars for recovery are to be consumed after training.

The best protein bar ingredients

The best protein bar ingredients

There are energy bars, whose main purpose is to provide energy (fuel) to the body. In particular, they are consumed before a sports session, a hike, or other activities requiring carbohydrate reserves. On the other hand, there are protein bars, the subject of this article. Be careful not to confuse them! Energy bars are richer in carbohydrates, while protein bars contain more protein. Therefore, they do not have the same use and are not eaten at the same time. So, what do protein bars contain? Gluten? Whey protein? Let's take a closer look. 

Proteins, the basis of the recipe

A protein bar must, by definition, contain a maximum amount of protein. Otherwise, it is not a protein bar, but an energy bar. And that makes a huge difference. They are very good alternatives to sweet snacks, which are one of our worst eating habits. Protein bars are the perfect complement to the sportsman's diet . 

Bodybuilders and all those who engage in intense sports sessions to gain muscle should therefore favour protein bars. As their name suggests, they contain proteins from various sources (whey protein or egg protein, but also vegetable proteins such as rice protein, hemp protein, pea protein, etc.). They are essential for the regeneration of damaged muscle tissue during weight training exercises and the rapid development of lean muscle mass. Also, according to the ANSES, proteins play an indispensable metabolic role. 

So, vegetable proteins? Milk proteins? Whey protein or pea protein? It can be difficult to choose among all these possibilities. Whichever protein source you choose, it will be a determining factor in muscle mass gain. If you follow a specific diet (lactose-free, gluten-free, vegan), you can find suitable protein bars on the market. These are vegan protein bars with pea protein, gluten-free bars or lactose-free bars, and therefore without whey protein. If you don't have any restrictions, you can combine these different bars as part of your training program. 

Low glycemic index carbohydrates

The best protein bars contain a significant amount of carbohydrates, which are certainly not a priority over protein. It is recommended to choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. These help to limit fat gain and, on the contrary, to favour the gain of "dry muscle". It is possible to find oat flakes in some protein bar recipes. Oats have a high level of amino acids and promote protein synthesis. Its ability to control your blood sugar level prevents the formation of fat. But you will also find in other bars date paste, buckwheat flour or corn fibers (the list is not exhaustive about the imagination of the manufacturers...). Simply choose the best sources of carbohydrates and avoid added sugars!

Quality lipids and fibers 

Most quality protein bars contain oilseeds. Oilseeds are very good sources of fat, often referred to as "good fats". Nuts, almonds, and cashews are sometimes included. These oilseeds are present in the higher quality bars because the raw material is more expensive. These oilseeds will provide you with an adequate supply of good fats. But also a very interesting source of extra vegetable protein. Raisins, dates, and other dried or fresh fruits can complete the preparation of your energy bar, but they will inevitably increase the glycemic index and the number of calories. If you make your protein bars yourself, don't hesitate to include oilseeds. 

protein bars: why and how to consume them

In addition, to give you a feeling of lasting satiety, your protein bar for bodybuilding, whether vegan or not, must contain an interesting proportion of soluble and/or insoluble dietary fiber.

Beware of harmful sugars and sweeteners

The best protein bars do not contain refined white sugar or health-damaging sweeteners. These ingredients have absolutely no place in a protein bar for sportsmen and women. Pay particular attention to added sugars and especially synthetic sweeteners. Favour natural ingredients such as honey, agave syrup, or stevia over sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame potassium also called acesulfame K. These ingredients are very present in recipes based on protein powder and other low-calorie dietetic products.

Sweeteners can add a particularly sweet taste to the recipes in which they are used while allowing these products to contain little sugar. An asset on the list of nutritional values. And a definite advantage from a communication point of view. A priori, it helps to limit weight gain. However, they have a disadvantage, and not least: they are sugar substitutes whose health repercussions are not yet fully known. Moreover, according to certain studies already carried out, they disturb the pancreas and the secretion of insulin. In the long term, they could eventually cause at least diabetes problems, but also cancer. It is therefore wiser to avoid them. 

Choosing the best protein bar for weight training 

There are hundreds of protein bars for weight training. The trick is to know how to choose the one that contains the most quality proteins. And this, with good lipids as well as low glycemic index carbohydrates. When it comes to taste... the choice is yours! Don't hesitate to treat yourself to maintain your motivation. It is important to keep the desire to eat healthy snacks that are beneficial for your sports performance.