How does dietary fiber work? 

Even if the fibers are not digested by our bodies, they are very useful. Through their cleansing action on the digestive system, they eliminate waste products that the body does not need and reduce the absorption of harmful substances.

dietary fiber

Have you ever wondered if you've had enough fiber in your day? Probably not. And yet, these substances are essential for the proper functioning of our body. 

They are considered indigestible carbohydrates but are very different from other carbohydrates, and much less caloric. Don't let the term "indigestible" mislead you. Although fiber is not digestible, it is very useful for the body.

What are the benefits of fiber?

Fibers contribute to the prevention of many pathologies (colon cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases...). First of all, by arriving intact in the intestines, they nourish friendly bacteria and contribute to the health of the microbiota.

Low in calories, they help regulate transit by increasing the volume of stools in case of constipation and by capturing water from the digestive tract in case of diarrhea.

Finally, they decrease the absorption of toxins and bad fats and slow down the assimilation of carbohydrates. Not to mention that they help us feel full and control our appetite better. 

Soluble or insoluble fibers, which one to prefer?

These two types of fibers are useful and complementary.

 Soluble fibers

By forming a gel in contact with liquids, soluble fibers (mucilages, pectins ...) slow down the assimilation of carbohydrates, reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol, and gently regulate transit.

They are mainly found in fruits (citrus fruits, apple, pear), oilseeds (almond, hazelnut, pistachio ...), oats, and legumes, formerly called pulses (lentils, chickpeas ...). 

Insoluble fibers 

These fibers (cellulose, lignin...) act like sponges. They increase the volume of stools and stimulate intestinal contractions. However, in excess, they can be irritating.

They are mainly found in wheat bran, whole grains (rice, whole grain bread, or pasta), carrots, green vegetables, salad, seaweed, and pome fruits (raspberries, currants, etc.)

What foods are the richest in fiber?

 All plants contain soluble and insoluble fiber in varying proportions. Insoluble fiber is largely found in whole grains, seeds, oilseeds, and legumes. Fruits and vegetables contain about two-thirds of insoluble fiber (especially in the skin and seeds) and one-third soluble fiber.

How much fiber per day?

 From 25 to 30 g per day for an adult, less for children (15 g to 10 years old). Current French consumption (18 to 22 g per day) is insufficient.

To cover our needs, simply follow the dietary guidelines of the National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS). Consume :

  • .at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day,
  • .at least 2 times a week of pulses,
  • .more seeds and oilseeds (up to a handful per day), 
  • .and whole grains rather than refined.
  • In chronic diseases, such as functional colopathy, also known as irritable bowel syndrome, this intake may be reviewed. Below are the video explanations of Dr. Pauline Jouët, a gastroenterologist.

  • How can you increase your fiber intake?

    A few tips to help you incorporate fiber-rich foods into your meals, starters, and desserts daily: 

    • . Eat less meat and more legumes. This not only saves money but also protects the environment. 

    • . Have the purée reflex. This technique is very popular with children, but it works for adults too. Mix your beans, soybeans, cauliflower, squash, or lentils and add to your sauces, dishes, and soups. These purees can replace cream and cheese, which also helps to lower the caloric intake of the dish.

    • . Use the seeds to boost your dishes, soups, and salads. You can grill them to add a touch of crunch and try different mixes with aromatic herbs as well.
    • You can also add wheat bran to your morning dairy products or cut dried fruit to your dishes or mixed salads...

How to improve your digestive tolerance?

The best is to vary fruits and vegetables, peel them and mix raw and cooked, cooking softening the fibers. And introduce wholegrain cereals in stages.

It is also necessary to soak pulses and cook them well before eating them, rather in small quantities.  

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