10 foods must eat to lose weight

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Some foods are used for weight loss, and prove to be more effective than others: powerful antioxidants, detoxifiers, rich in nutrients... They have benefits that have  great slimming action.

Discover the top 10 foods to eat to lose weight.

1- Whole eggs

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Eggs contain a large amount of protein and vitamins, especially vitamin B12. They are often used in many slimming programs. Indeed, they are very effective for losing weight.

Whole eggs are not cooked in fat, so you only consume the food and enjoy its benefits, without altering them. Also, this food has an appetite suppressant effect that will give you a feeling of satiety and therefore help you to eat less.

It is also a good source of long-lasting energy, which will allow you to easily last until the next meal without feeling hungry.

2- Spinach

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Spinach contains many vitamins as well as protein. It is a leafy green vegetable that has an advantage not to be neglected: its protein content is close to 50%. They are therefore also an excellent source of sustainable energy for the body. Besides, they are low in calories, making them the slimming food of choice.

They are also very good antioxidants that will be very effective in restarting cellular and blood activity as well as that of the emunctories - the organs that eliminate waste and toxins.

» READ ALSO -11 health benefits of spinach

3- Lean meat

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Among the foods to eat to lose weight, lean meats also have their place: rabbit, chicken, turkey, lean roast, lean ham... On the condition, of course, that they are not cooked in fat.

They are rich in protein, which is essential in all programs designed to lose weight. It is the proteins that will allow you to offer your body sustainable energy. They are also low in calories and can be combined with other slimming foods.

4- The beans

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Low in calories, high in fiber, they are also an important source of nutrients, as are many vegetables.

It is, moreover, considered one of the most powerful foods to eat for weight loss, thanks to one of its components that acts as a sugar inhibitor.

The bean, therefore, prevents carbohydrates from being stored in fat cells as an energy reserve. As a result, they act as a booster in weight loss. It is, therefore, necessary to eat them regularly to lose weight.

5- Tuna

10 foods must eat to lose weight

It is an oily fish, which you might think would be harmful when losing weight.

Rich in protein, it plays a huge role in satiety. You don't need to consume large quantities to be satisfied. Once again, it should of course be eaten grilled or cooked without fat.

Remember that it is important to eat fish, which contains not only B12 vitamins, which you won't find in fruits and vegetables but also omega 3, which is essential for good health.

6- Grapefruit

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Again, it is one of the foods to eat for weight loss and is highly recommended in many diets.

It is an excellent drainer and detox food, thanks to the amount of water it contains. Low in calories, it helps to boost our body's activity by facilitating the elimination of waste and toxins.

7- Home-made soups

10 foods must eat to lose weight

Made up only of water and the vegetables that compose it, you, therefore, benefit from all the nutrients, added to the draining effect of the water.

An excellent slimming meal which, moreover, will play on your satiety and offer you durable energy.

8- The chia seeds

10 foods must eat to lose weight

They are a good source of protein, are low in calories, and have appetite suppressant qualities.

They also slow down the absorption of sugars and prevent them from attaching to fat cells. This further increases their slimming qualities and plays on weight loss.

9- Whole yoghurts

10 foods must eat to lose weight

A whole yogurt is low in calories and is composed of many nutrients. It is also used for certain diets.

It is also an important source of calcium and vitamins. Also, it acts on the feeling of satiety and provides long-lasting energy.

10- The cider vinegar

10 foods must eat to lose weight

This vinegar is made from apples, a fruit containing a lot of pectin, a fiber that plays on satiety, but also on the proper functioning of the body.

Powerful antioxidant, cider vinegar has fat burning effects. It prevents the storage of fats and sugars in fat cells.

Take it in water before meals, so that it facilitates digestion and is more effective.