3 good reasons to eat mushrooms


Low in carbohydrates and calories, mushrooms are concentrates of vitamins and minerals. Button mushrooms, chanterelles, morels, boletus, or porcini mushrooms... Don't hesitate to taste the different varieties to find you're favorite and enjoy their health benefits.
3 good reasons to eat mushrooms

If mushrooms can be found year-round on the stalls, autumn, the wet season, is their preferred time of year. Harvest addicts can prepare their baskets (and contact their pharmacists) and take them out into the wild, so here are a few good reasons to enjoy all your favorite nutrient-rich, low-calorie mushrooms.

Rich in iron, minerals, and vitamins B

The only plant to make vitamin D, mushrooms also contain a high dose of protein, as well as vitamins B2, B3, and B5. Thanks to these nutrients, our body fights winter depression, strengthens its bones, stimulates its immune system, and maintains healthy skin. The list of nutrients in mushrooms also includes iron, zinc, copper, and selenium. Enough to make us want to prepare a good pan for dinner!

Mushrooms are slimming allies 

Mushrooms are a low carbohydrate, virtually fat-free foods. Composed of 80% or 90% water, they contain very few calories (30 calories per 100 g on average).

Thanks to their good amount of fiber, they contribute to the feeling of satiety, thus limiting the desire for snacking.

Another advantage: mushrooms stimulate metabolism. Vitamins help to convert food into energy for the body and to burn fat and protein better. Cooked in salads, soups, or stir-fried, they adapt to all our culinary desires and help us stay in shape.

Food good for the immune system

Some work has shown that the white fungus stimulates the immune response by increasing the production of antiviral proteins capable of protecting and repairing the body's tissues. Nothing better to fight against viruses and avoid diseases related to the change of season.

The consumption of mushrooms would also protect against bladder cancer, especially in women, and would help to fight free radicals thanks to its antioxidants.

Which mushrooms for which health benefits?

There are thousands of varieties of mushrooms, many of which have different nutritional profiles.

  • Button mushrooms are the ones that contain the most potassium. Containing 94% water, they are also very low in energy. An asset for the line!

  • Cremini and portobello mushrooms contain the most antioxidant ergothioneine.

  • Oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are the richest in fiber.

  • Raw maitake mushrooms are among the richest in vitamin D.

Conclusion: choose the mushroom you like and want to eat regularly. No matter which type you prefer, they all offer different benefits as long as you are sure that they come from a safe source and are non-toxic.

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