Health benefits of celery

Whether it is raved or in the branch, the celery does not miss nutritional assets. Recognized as a diuretic, it is also one of the lowest-calorie foods available. Another asset: its richness in antioxidants.

Health benefits of celery

Strong in taste, celery allows multiple variations in cooking. It can be combined with many other vegetables. One would be wrong to deprive oneself of it because it conceals many health benefits.

An appetite suppressant vegetable

Celeriac is less caloric than green beans, provided you don't eat it with remoulade! Also, it provides fiber that helps you feel full quickly and for a long time. The time it takes to chew it well also promotes good satiety.

An anti-aging food

Celery contains several antioxidants: lutein, beta-carotene, flavonoids ... These antioxidants have various properties: some are anti-inflammatory, others are beneficial to the health of the eyes or skin ... Consuming celery helps the body to protect itself from free radicals that can damage body cells.

Celery is diuretic

Celery provides between 15 and 18% of daily potassium requirements. This mineral supports the elimination of toxins by the kidneys, it also limits the retention of water and thus the formation of cellulite.

A good source of folate

Celeriac is a good source of folates (vitamin B9), which are essential during pregnancy, but also from the time you want to have a child, to limit the risk of placental anomalies and, above all, spina bifida in the unborn baby. It provides 15% of the recommended nutritional values. Children also need folates because of their rapid growth in the early years.

Rave or branch, what are the nutritional differences?

Celeriac and celery root and celery branches are two different varieties of the same plant.

.The celeriac branch is even less caloric than celeriac: 21 calories per 100 g against 32. It is richer in water (93.5% against 88) and calcium (48 mg per 100 g against 34 mg).

.The celeriac provides more potassium: 377 mg per 100 g against 289 mg and more than twice as much fiber: 3.7 g against 1.7 g.

Health precautions before consuming celery

.You have an allergic ground: people allergic to birch or mugwort pollen may also be intolerant to celery. This vegetable of the Umbelliferae family is the third most common food allergen in adults. Allergy to celery is also found in people allergic to soy.

.You work outdoors: celery contains psoralens that are photosensitive. Exposure to artificial light or UV light after eating celery can therefore lead to a rash with redness, blisters, or even blisters.

Buying, storing and cooking celery

Buying celery: choose it rather organically because it is one of the fruits and vegetables most contaminated by pesticides. For celeriac, choose a small ball, because if it is more than 10 cm in diameter or more than one kilogram, it may be hollow. For celeriac, prefer a small ball with green leaves and firm stalks.

Conservation of celery: about ten days in the crisper of the refrigerator for celeriac, a few days in a damp cloth for celeriac with stalks.

Preparation of the celery :

The celeriac is peeled with a peeling knife. To lemon it to avoid that it blackens. It is cut indices to be cooked and mixed in puree, or it is grated raw to be consumed in the salad.

The celery branch can be peeled with a peeling knife to remove the threads. Raw, the stalks can be eaten in a salad or as an appetizer. Cooked, ribs and leaves flavor soups, or are added to stewed vegetables.