How do you fill up with zinc?

Zinc is a versatile trace element, essential for the proper development and strengthening of our body. What are its benefits? How much should we absorb each day? In which foods does it occur? When is it necessary to supplement with zinc? Let's take stock of the situation.  

How do you fill up with zinc?

Zinc is present in very small quantities in our bodies and plays an important role in our health. 

What are the benefits of zinc ?

Zinc is involved in the activity of more than 200 enzymes - molecules that are essential for chemical reactions in the body - including those involved in protection against free radicals and those involved in protein synthesis. It is essential :

  • .to growth ; 
  • .to tissues; 
  • .to healing;  
  • .to muscle mass gain;  
  • .and DNA repair.

It is also a powerful antioxidant and a necessary anti-inflammatory:

  • .to the vitality of the skin (it helps fight against acne, psoriasis,or dermatitis);  
  • .the vitality of nails and hair (it allows the synthesis of keratin and collagen); 
  • .immunity;
  • .to the regulation of weight and glycemia;
  • .Reproduction (it promotes sperm production and mobility);
  • .and protection against cardiovascular/degenerative diseases and cancers.
  • What foods are the richest in zinc?

    Zinc is found in products of plant and animal origin, but in greater quantities and generally better assimilated in animal products: 

    The foods richest in zinc are seafood, offal, meat, and cheese. Then come vegetable sources of zinc: nuts, unrefined cereals, and pulses.


    Veal, especially its liver, and beef are good sources of zinc, iron, vitamins, and protein. The content varies according to the cuts and can be up to 30% of the recommended intake for an adult. Regular, but not excessive, consumption of meat ensures good growth.

  • Seafood 

    Low in calories, seafood, and especially oysters help to fill the zinc stocks. Crab and lobster contain a high content of this micronutrient, as well as antioxidants and minerals. Adding a few servings of seafood to your plate from time to time helps the body function properly.

    Nuts and seeds 

    Pumpkin seeds, cashews, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, and almonds are excellent appetite suppressants and are a good way to add an extra serving of zinc, as well as other minerals such as magnesium, to our diet.

  • Whole grains

    An additional reason to eat whole grains: they contain zinc in addition to fiber. Bread, rice, wheat in their unrefined version provide a significant amount of essential minerals.

    Dairy products

    Cheese (morbier, maroilles, Mont d'Or), but also yogurt and whole milk help to maintain healthy bones thanks to their calcium content and contain small amounts of zinc that is easily absorbed by the body (because lactose facilitates its digestibility). 

    Cocoa powder 

     Chocolate (especially unsweetened cocoa powder) not only helps fight cardiovascular disease, reduces the risk of depression and hypertension, but is also an excellent source of zinc. 

  • How much zinc per day?

    Zinc is present in very small amounts in the body (only 2 to 4 grams). The recommended nutritional intake is 10 mg per day for a woman and 12 mg for a man. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should increase the dose to between 16 and 23 mg per day. 

Is it necessary to supplement with zinc?

If you're short of it, yes! A simple blood test (reimbursed by Social Security) will tell you. The people most at risk of deficiency are :

  • .Elderly people (after the age of 60, the rate of absorption decreases); 
  • .vegetarians; 
  • .diabetics; 
  • .pregnant women; 
  • .heavy alcohol consumers.
  • A deficiency can also be suspected in case of repeated viral infections, skin problems, brittle hair and nails, growth problems.

If you are a vegetarian 

In the absence of meat, which is a strong supplier of this trace element, it is recommended to consume 50% more zinc than the rest of the population. In particular, seafood and cheese with high zinc intakes should be eaten regularly.

If you are vegan 

The plant world is moderately supplied with zinc and the plant world is only partially absorbed due to the presence of phytic acid. To reduce the amount of this acid, it is recommended to soak, ferment, and germinate cereals, seeds and pulses before eating them.

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