Hand eczema: how to cure it?

Approximately 250 million american people suffer from eczema, i.e. nearly 5% of the population. Among its locations: hands. What are its causes? How can it be treated? The health answers of Dr. Antoine Badaoui, dermatologist-allergist, member of ResoEczéma, and the practical advice of Clementine Joachim, certified sophrologist, consultant at Yoburo.

Hand eczema: how to cure it?
Eczema is the second most common skin disease after acne. It concerns 30% of dermatological consultations.

Hand eczema: what causes it?

Chronic eczema can be of genetic origin, linked to atopic dermatitis (editor's note: also called atopic eczema) with a preferential location on the hands, says Dr. Antoine Badaoui, dermatologist-allergist. It can also be allergic eczema due to perfume, a preservative ... In glove wearers such as housekeepers, hairdressers, eczema can be allergic or irritating. »

Hand Eczema: Recognizing the Symptoms

Whether atopic or allergic, the symptoms of hand eczema are similar.

It manifests itself by red patches that peel and scratch, by blisters that ooze and cracks," says Dr. Badaoui. Most of the time, eczema of atopic origin has very limited borders, unlike allergic eczema, where the borders are rather "map-like" and less well defined. »

How is the diagnosis made?

Hand eczema is diagnosed by a clinical examination. Patch tests (also called patch tests) are used to determine whether or not it is an allergy. The test patches consist of applying, on the back and under occlusion, thirty allergens that correspond to the European standard battery, possibly supplemented by other batteries depending on the patient's questioning.

"To carry out these patch tests, three appointments at 48-hour intervals are necessary each time, says the dermatologist. The first is for placing the patches on the back, the second is to remove them and the last is for the final reading. If the test patches prove negative, an allergy to the tested molecules can be eliminated. »

Itching: limiting scratching thanks to sophrology

Sophrology, as a psycho-corporal method, apprehends the human being in all its richness: it takes into account its corporal, mental and emotional dimensions. 

"The organ "skin" being from the same embryonic stock as the nervous system, stress has consequences on the organism, which can manifest itself by the appearance of eczema", explains Clémentine Joachim, a sophrologist. Sophrology can therefore be a valuable recourse against "eczema attacks". "In particular, thanks to the exercise of the fans which can reduce itching", specifies the sophrologist.

Starting position :

  • Stand with enough space around you, feet parallel and separated by the width of your pelvis.
  • Your back is straight, your arms and shoulders are relaxed, and your head is in line with your spine.
  • Close your eyes and pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing.
  • The course of the exercise (which is to be repeated 3 times)
  • Raise both arms in front of you horizontally while breathing in deeply through your nose.
  • Hold your breath and shake your hands like fans (hence the name of the exercise!), slowly bringing them closer to your chest. Give meaning to your movements by imagining letting go of the sensations of scratching and tingling. By shaking your hands, free them from the unpleasant sensations of itching.
  • Once both hands are close to the chest, release the arms along the body by blowing gently through the mouth.
  • Resume natural breathing, and take a moment to observe the sensations in your hands. Linger on the sensations on your palms and fingers. Become aware of all the sensations related to the movements of your hands.
  • Repeat twice, always giving more meaning to your gestures: shake your hands and imagine that the unpleasant sensations of scratching escape from your hands, that the itching slips from your fingers to the ground, to free and purify your skin. 
  • After exhaling through your mouth, carefully observe and identify your feelings: do they change? In what way? Do you feel lighter in your hands? More freshness?More fluidity in your movements?
  • Finish each time by becoming aware of your physical, mental and emotional feelings.

 You can practice this exercise whenever you feel like scratching. Remember to coordinate your movements with your breathing (inhalation time, air retention time, exhalation time), and always give more meaning to your practice. 

How do you treat hand eczema?

Whether it is atopic dermatitis, chronic hand eczema, or allergic eczema, the treatment is the same.

During flare-ups, a corticoid-based cream should be applied once a day until two or three days after the symptoms disappear," says Dr. Badaoui. Since inflammation can be latent under the skin, it is essential to stop the process. »

This treatment should be repeated for each eczema flare-up or continued 2 to 3 times a week for prevention.

The corticoid cream-based treatment should be completed by applying a moisturizing cream several times a day to restore the skin barrier," adds the dermatologist. It is necessary to choose the greasiest creams such as Cicalfate, Eucerin, Cicaplast...".

When the corticoid cream is not enough

When hand eczema does not respond or no longer responds to corticosteroid cream treatment, "oral treatment with alitretinoin is used," says the doctor. This is a naturally occurring, endogenous hormone related to vitamin A that has anti-inflammatory effects.

"The treatment lasts between 3 and 6 months at a rate of one tablet per day, explains the dermatologist. It requires monitoring of the liver and cholesterol levels and, for women, taking effective contraception. "Alitretinoin can cause serious deformities in the unborn child in case of pregnancy, as well as miscarriage.

Can it be prevented?

It is important to avoid all irritating factors that can accentuate hand eczema, and in case of allergy, to remove the allergen of course.

Dr. Antoine Badaoui's advice to limit flare-ups:

  • Wash your hands briefly with warm or cold water and soap and if possible avoid hard water.  
  • Do not use dishwashing liquid to wash your hands, it is irritating.
  • Rinse hands well and pat dry.
  • Wear gloves when washing dishes, cooking certain irritating foods such as tomato, lemon... and for cleaning.

Covid-19 and hand eczema: what precautions?

The epidemic of Covid-19 requires to apply the barrier gestures of which the frequent washing of the hands is apart because it represents an effective rampart against the propagation of the virus.

But, when one suffers from eczema, frequent hand washing weakens the skin, which is often dry and bruised. It is therefore recommended to use 'soap-free' soaps, special soaps for atopic skin, or washing oils. And, if possible, opt for fragrance-free products. Once the hands have been washed, dry them gently without rubbing.

As for the use of hydroalcoholic gel, it can cause tingling and burns. It is thus essential to rehydrate the skin by applying an emollient cream.

Wearing latex or vinyl gloves is not recommended because they encourage perspiration and maceration of the skin, which can aggravate hand eczema.

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