What are the real guarantees of organic?

The organic food market is growing exponentially. It has increased by 15.7% between 2015 and 2018! A progression that raises many questions. The point about what to really expect from organic farming and livestock products.

What are the real guarantees of organic?

The market for organic (or "bio") food has been developing very significantly in recent years. Numerous reasons have led consumers to take the plunge, including the desire to limit the consumption of chemical fertilizer residues, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides, concern for the environment, and/or animal welfare. But what is the real situation? 

Are all organic products the same?

Yes, in theory. This is important because, according to the Agence Bio, 57% of fruit and 62% of organic groceries sold in 2018 were imported, half of them from outside the European Union (EU). "In Europe, there are regulations concerning organic farming," says Nadine Lauverjat, coordinator of Future Generations. Member states are subject to the same specifications unless there are derogations". 

But what about Asian rice? "There are equivalence agreements between the EU and a hundred or so countries," says Frédéric Denhez, an ecologist. "When an exporter wants to obtain the organic label, our certification bodies go on-site to check whether everything complies with our specifications," adds Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, director of research at INRA. The European organic label is therefore a guarantee of seriousness.

Are organic plants free of pesticides?

Not necessarily. "In a world that has been polluted since the beginning of the industrial era, contamination is always possible during cultivation, storage or transport," explains Frédéric Denhez. But it is very low. Thus, based on published studies, when residues are found in organic food, they are traces, i.e. quantities of less than 0.01 mg/kg. A ten-year monitoring of fruit and vegetables in Germany concluded that in 2013, the amount of pesticide residues in organic food was 180 times lower than in conventional food. According to this study, 74% of conventional food contained residues, 18% residual traces and 8% nothing. Only 5% of organic food contained residues, 30% residual traces and 65% nothing.

Which pesticides are allowed ?

The so-called natural ones, because the goal is to restrict external inputs as much as possible. Authorized phytopharmaceutical products must come from natural substances or derived from natural substances. Among them, copper (Bordeaux mixture...), kerosene oil, sulfur, kaolin, potassium bicarbonate, vinegar, nettle, certain essential oils... The list is available from the Institute of Organic Agriculture and Food. Some are not without toxicity for nature. "This is examined on a case-by-case basis, with farmers having to prove that they can't do without them," explains Marie-Josèphe Amiot-Carlin, research director at INRA.

Can organic products contain GMOs?

No, because European regulations prohibit their use in plants, animals, additives, fodder, fertilizers... This prohibition is a plus because, if growing and marketing GMOs in the conventional sector is prohibited in France, it is possible to import them for farm animals, and the consumer can ingest them indirectly in meat, eggs, milk ...

Why buy organic meat?

The organic farming guarantees more animal welfare

The density and size of the buildings are limited and each animal must have a ventilated space, natural light, a minimum area of straw indoors, and access to an outdoor run

Does organic farming allow the use of antibiotics?

Rarely. Their use is restricted to curative (sick animal), within the limit of 1 to 3 veterinary drugs per year, and the waiting period before marketing is doubled compared to conventional. Homeopathy or aromatherapy is preferred. In the end, the quantity of antibiotics that the animal receives before being consumed is much lower.

Is the food of the animals in an organic farm better?

It is more natural. First of all, their food must itself be organic. Then, the rearing of herbivores is based on the maximum use of pastures, according to their availability throughout the year, supplemented by other fodder mainly from the farm. Finally, young mammals are fed with natural milk, preferably maternal milk. And force-feeding is prohibited.

Can we rely on organic processed foods?

Do processed organic products contain 100% organic ingredients?

No, but at least 95%. According to regulations, they should contain 100% organically grown ingredients. But as not all ingredients are available in organic, a margin of 5% of the product from conventional is allowed. 

"The real difference lies in the permitted additives," says Frédéric Denhez. Less than 50 in the organic, against more than 300 in the conventional, most is of natural origin with fewer potential health risks."

Is the composition of organic processed products nutritionally more interesting?

Absolutely not. A processed organic product may, for example, contain palm oil, poor quality sugars, refined cereals... Even organic, an industrial product remains industrial, with nutritional intakes that may be poor.

Are organic foods richer in nutrients?

Yes, in the same category. Most of the studies carried out conclude with higher concentrations in organic foods. Concerning fruits and vegetables, the most notable differences concern vitamin C (from +6% to +12%), and polyphenols- phenolic acids, anthocyanins... (from +19% to +69%).

"The most plausible explanation is that in the absence of pesticides, the plant develops its own means of defense," says Marie- Josèphe Amiot-Carlin.

  • Concerning organic meat, eggs, and milk, they are up to 50% richer in omega-3 fatty acids beneficial to health.
  • As for organic cereals, they are less rich in proteins, therefore in gluten, and in fibers than those from conventional cereals.

Does eating organic mean eating healthy and balanced?

No. "You can eat balanced conventional food, and very badly eat organic food", explains Frédéric Denhez. However, according to one of the conclusions of NutriNet-Santé - a French study designed to assess the links between eating habits and chronic diseases - consumers of organic products would have a more balanced diet and fewer weight problems.

Moreover, "by eating organic, we ingest fewer pesticides," stresses Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot. However, even if we do not yet have scientific proof, the ingestion of cumulative doses of these substances could have an impact on human health".

Does organic food keep less well?

No more, no less. It all depends on the variety and, above all, on the path of the product. "Nothing forbids picking fruit and vegetables before they are ripe and refrigerating them," explains Frédéric Denhez. In this case, the food keeps well, sometimes to the detriment of its nutritional richness. "On the other hand, among small producers or retailers, organic fruit and vegetables are marketed when they are ripe. Here, of course, they have to be eaten quickly." 

As for mycotoxins - toxic substances produced by fungi in the absence of fungicides -, "a synthesis of studies shows that there is no more contamination in organic than in conventional", assures Marie-Josèphe Amiot-Carlin.

What are the best organic labels?

Some consider the European regulation too lax, so many independent labels, stricter, have developed.

Bio Coherence: Close to what the French AB label was before European standardization, it guarantees the total absence of GMOs where the EU tolerates traces of up to 0.9%.

Nature and Progress : The products are 100% organic and palm oil is prohibited. The size of the farms is limited and the crops are far away from traffic routes.

Demeter: More demanding in terms of cultivation and environmental impact (seeds, fertilizers, processing, winemaking ...), he advocates biodynamic agriculture.

Bio Partner: Beyond organic, it takes into account fair trade and solidarity.

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