The best foods to avoid getting sick

By including certain vegetables, shellfish, plants, and beverages in your diet, you increase your chances of spending the fall and winter in excellent health.

The best foods to avoid getting sick

The hunt for microbes is open! If you want to put all the chances on your side to avoid catching a cold or flu in the next few months, you must help your body get stronger. To do this, simply add a few products to your daily meals. Here are a few examples of foods that boost the immune system.

Fruits and vegetables 

Start by stopping at the produce section and stock up on :

  • squash, rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that may improve the functioning of some immune system cells;
  • peppers, which contain vitamin C, essential to stimulate immunity;
  • spinach, for its iron and vitamin A content (100 g provides half of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A);
  • carrots, also rich in vitamins;
  • citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) can help stimulate your immune system and your energy.


By consuming selenium, a nutrient found in mushrooms, you help your white blood cells to function properly. And you'll benefit from the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of this low-calorie, delicious food.

Garlic and onion

These two plants offer significant antiviral virtues. Garlic protects the health of the liver and onion provides an important quantity of vitamin C and probiotics.

Namely: raw garlic would be 1.5 times more powerful than its powdered or dried version. Tip to maximize its benefits while limiting the effects on the breath: crush or cut each clove of garlic and let it breathe for 10 to 15 minutes before cooking or incorporating it into a vinaigrette.

Fish and shellfish

There's nothing like a platter of seafood and fish to boost your immune system. Oysters provide zinc, which is involved in the functioning of white blood cells and helps fight infections. And fatty fish such as smoked herring, salmon, and sardines are excellent sources of vitamin D and omega-3.


Don't forget to go through the "dairy dessert" box and treat yourself to yogurt to maintain good digestive health. By strengthening the intestinal lining, you help your body fight viruses, especially if you are elderly, stressed, or have a chronic illness.


To end the meal in beauty, or to grant you a break in the middle of the day, do not hesitate to prepare yourself a cup of tea. Not only will this drink warm you up, give you energy, and help your kidneys function properly, but its antioxidant nutrients help strengthen the immune system.

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