11 December 2020 11 December

Treating a torticollis, 4 natural solutions


Treating a torticollis, 4 natural solutions

Torticollis may be benign most of the time, but it is nonetheless painful and disabling, as it limits our movements. Application of heat, massage, stretching, plants... here is how to effectively relieve it.

Treating a torticollis, 4 natural solutions

Torticollis (tortum collum in Latin, which means "twisted neck") is a very painful muscular contraction of the neck, which often prevents you from holding your head straight. Often caused by poor posture during the day or at night, the torticollis can also be due to muscle distension during an effort. Pain is felt, especially when trying to straighten the neck. Four practical tips to soothe the pain.

Apply heat to relieve tension due to torticollis.

Whether the torticollis is in its early stages or already well established, "the heat is always interesting because it has a vasodilatory action. It improves local circulation and promotes muscle relaxation to stop the pain/contraction cycle," explains physiotherapist Xavier Dufour.

How to do it?

Heat should be applied as often as possible, both during the day and at night. Several options are possible: hot shower, hot water bottle, cherry pit cushion, hot wet towel... Advantage all the same of the heating patches and other thermal pockets to be placed on the upper back (Mercurochrome, Syntholkine, ThermaCare, Actipoche Thermal microbeads, cervical, and trapezium): practical and effective, they deliver heat continuously for 8 hours. To be covered with a scarf to better conserve heat.

Getting a massage to relieve pain

"When you are contracted, the simple fact of touching the affected area allows you to short-circuit the message of pain at the nervous level, even if the effect does not last more than a few hours," explains Xavier Dufour, physiotherapist.

The ideal is to be massaged by a physiotherapist or an osteopath or, failing that, by someone close to you. On the other hand, it's better to avoid self-massage, because it stresses the trapezius muscles and prevents you from relaxing properly.

How to do it?

With both thumbs or the whole palm, massage for at least 10 minutes from the top of the neck down to the trapezoids.

To strengthen the action of the massage, use a gel or oil that combines anti-inflammatory plants (harpagophytum, meadowsweet, arnica ...) and relaxing essential oils (wintergreen, peppermint ...): Cartimotil Gel Pileje, Paltz Relaxing Gel, Harpagreen Gel LPEV, Organic Massage Oil Muscle Effort Puressentiel.

Use relaxing plants to unwind

The plant option is to be retained when one suffers from repeated blockages, clearly linked to stress. "It is one of the most classic causes of torticollis because it translates into muscular tension in the trapezius muscles and neck," says Xavier Dufour. The objective: to release these tensions to relieve contracture.

How to do it?

"Valerian is a good alternative to pain medication, thanks to its sedative and relaxing action," says Dr. Eric Lorrain, herbalist.
In the event of an attack, it should be used as soon as possible, 3 times a day, and in the form of a liquid extract (EPS, Phytostandard; Liquid Extract, A. Vogel) for rapid action. It relaxes in less than 2 hours. To be coupled if the pain is severe and/or lasts more than 5 days with tablets combining willow and harpagophytum extracts (Phytostandard at PhytoPrevent, 6 tablets/day), with anti-inflammatory virtues.

Stretching to prevent neck blockage

To be done only if the movements are not too limited or painful, and rather after having relaxed the area with the heat. Stretching helps to promote movement and not get stuck in the wrong position. "They are also useful in prevention. Doing them regularly makes the neck more supple if you often have neck pain and torticollis due to poor posture at work, for example," adds Xavier Dufour.

What stretching if the pain is moderate?

You can do these stretches to relieve muscle tension.
  • Sitting with your feet flat, your spine well aligned, your forearms relaxed on a table or your thighs, gently turn your head to the left, as far as possible but without pain. Close your eyes and hold the position for 20 seconds.
  • Sitting with your back straight, grasp the edge of the chair with your left hand. Then lower your head slightly, chin to chest, and tilt it to the right. Place your right hand on your head and gently stretch your neck.

What stretching if the pain is severe?

First of all, choose a relaxation exercise to loosen the neck. Sit or stand with your shoulders low and your neck extended, with the top of your head pointing upward to the sky. Inhale and raise the shoulders towards the ears, exhale and relax the shoulders without tension in the neck. Imagine that your neck is getting longer.

The exercises are to be done 5 times on each side and are taken from 80 exercises to end back pain, Jean-François Harvey (éd. Médicis, 28,95 $). Be careful to always do slow, progressive and non jerky movements, exhaling while stretching!

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10 December 2020 10 December

Stevia could cause an intestinal microbial imbalance.

Stevia could cause an intestinal microbial imbalance. 

According to a new study conducted by Israeli researchers, this natural sweetener could cause an intestinal microbial imbalance. The results have just been published in Molecules. 

Stevia could cause an intestinal microbial imbalance.

An alternative to sugar, sweeteners provide a sweet taste while remaining low in calories. In France, stevia gained popularity lately because it was authorized for consumption by the decree of August 26, 2009, but it has been used for several decades in South America, Japan, and China. It is about 100 to 300 times sweeter than ordinary table sugar but contains no calories or carbohydrates.

However, an Israeli study points to an unexpected effect of stevia. Indeed, according to research conducted by scientists from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), this natural sweetener could lead to an intestinal microbial imbalance. The results have just been published in Molecules, one of the leading international peer-reviewed chemistry journals. This microbial imbalance could lead to the development of gastrointestinal health problems.

Indeed, according to this study, stevia could disrupt communications between different bacteria in the intestinal microbiome. "Through this research, the scientific team discovered that it inhibits these pathways and does not kill bacteria. This is the first study that indicates further research is needed before the food industry replaces sugar and artificial sweeteners with stevia and its extracts. We showed that even a natural supplement can actually disrupt bacterial communication," said lead researcher Dr. Karina Golberg of the Avram BGU and Stella Goldstein-Goren Department of Biotechnological Engineering.

Dangerous sweeteners?

"We are not here to say that you are not allowed to take stevia because there is a health implication. However, [those] who take stevia must take into account the fact that we can actually harm the microbiome by affecting its communication system," she said. 

Previous studies conducted by Ben-Gurion University in 2018 showed that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame were toxic to bacteria in the digestive system. A mechanism is potentially responsible for a wide range of health problems from weight gain to diabetes and even cancer. The next stage of research will be conducted on animals, most likely mice, to see if stevia has the same disturbing effects as those observed in the laboratory. Market analyst Emergen Research says the global market for stevia is expected to reach nearly $1.2 billion by 2027.

01 December 2020 01 December

Chicken, a white meat rich in vitamins


Chicken, a white meat rich in vitamins

Chicken is a type of poultry that is now widely consumed by the French population. It is interesting for more than one reason. Indeed, not only is it cheaper than red meat, but it is also generally less fatty. Nevertheless, it remains rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Chicken, a white meat rich in vitamins

Nutritional value of chicken

Chicken is a relatively low-calorie white meat, as a 100-gram serving is only 175 calories. Of these 100 grams, there are 30 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of fat with no more than 1.5 grams of saturated fatty acids (globally as much as mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids). Such a portion of chicken also contains less than 1 g of cholesterol.

Chicken, white meat rich in minerals

It is generally not well known, but chicken is meat particularly rich in minerals.
In fact, this white meat contains a large amount of phosphorus, which is involved in the development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, in the growth and regeneration of tissues, and the control of blood pH balance.
Chicken is also a source of Zinc. Although it is mainly found in the brown parts, it is also present in chicken breast. Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and the proper balance of thyroid, sexual, and pancreatic hormones (insulin in particular).

Also, chicken is an important source of selenium. This mineral, which is also indispensable, plays an antioxidant role. Thus, selenium helps to fight against the free radicals responsible for certain pathologies, including certain cancers. Besides, it participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Finally, chicken contains iron (which is easier to assimilate than iron of plant origin), magnesium, potassium, and copper.

Chicken, a good source of vitamins

Chicken is also a good source of B-group vitamins. Indeed, it is particularly rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 but also in vitamin B1, B2, B5, and B12.

Vitamin B3, niacin, is involved in the formation of red blood cells, neurotransmitters (messengers of nerve impulses) as well as in the manufacture of sex hormones. It also plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. In particular, it reduces the synthesis of bad cholesterol and therefore reduces the blood level of triglycerides. Also, it is involved in the transport of oxygen to the cells.

As for vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), present in large quantities in chicken, it is a coenzyme that is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids. Like B3, it participates in the manufacture of neurotransmitters and red blood cells. This vitamin also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. Besides, it is involved in the synthesis of glucose from glycogen.

That's not all, since chicken also contains vitamin B2 (riboflavin). This vitamin is essential for the cells because it allows them to produce energy. Also, it participates in the development of tissues and their healing.

Finally, chicken is well endowed with vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which plays an active role in the production of certain hormones, neurotransmitters, and hemoglobin.