30 September 2020 30 September

What type of bread is best for your health?


What type of bread is best for your health?

What type of bread is best for your health
Of all types of bread, organic wholemeal bread has the best nutrient content, whether or not it is enriched with seeds and cereals.

Bread? So Frenchy! It has long been a food icon in our country. A tourist entering a French bakery is always amazed by the diversity of what is offered: farmhouse bread, rye bread, wholemeal bread, traditional baguettes, spelt, barley, oat, poppy seed... There is something for everyone! But without the nutritional and health benefits necessarily being there. Because the fibre, macro, and micronutrients provided depend on the way the flour and then the bread is made...

"A century ago, hundreds of varieties of wheat were grown in France, but today there are only a few dozen, and the varieties have completely changed," laments nutritionist and researcher emeritus Denis Lairon. A phenomenon of forced industrialization and mechanization of the bakery, accompanied by extremely powerful mechanical kneading, has led to the selection of wheat with large proteins.

They are the gluten and allow the bread to rise rather than flatten out like a pancake during baking. According to the researcher, the large size of these buns is partly responsible for the increased frequency of gluten sensitivity.

Complete and preferably organic

But this is not the only problem that those who eat industrial bread are potentially exposed to. For, in addition to the wheat varieties, what has changed is also the way and time of fermentation of the bread dough. The longer this fermentation takes, the more gluten proteins are predigested. However, the fermentation time is often shortened for reasons of productivity and profitability. In addition, the leaven traditionally used for this fermentation is mostly replaced by baker's yeast.

However, as Denis Lairon explains, "sourdough leads to the development of yeasts with alcoholic fermentation, but also of bacteria whose lactic fermentation acidifies the bread dough and activates enzymes". These enzymes are useful for predigesting proteins, but they also break down a molecule that makes minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, or calcium assimilable. In other words, a bread baked with yeast deprives us of trace elements. And it will be all the less interesting from a nutritional point of view because the flour used to make it will have been refined...

For a long time, white bread, and therefore refined bread, was considered better than grey or black bread, which had a very bad press," comments Denis Lairon, "whereas, from a nutritional point of view, it's exactly the opposite: in the white flours used today, three- quarters of the minerals, vitamins, and fibre have been lost.

They can be found in wholemeal breads, generally made from wheat, but may contain other cereals: they are made from a flour in which all the grain has been preserved with the germ, the reserves (almond) and the husk (bran).

But if you choose wholemeal bread, it is better to opt for the organic label: non-organic cereals are treated during cultivation and storage, and it is mainly on the husk of the grain that pesticide residues are found. In the case of multigrain bread, the flours are not necessarily wholemeal.

   Thank's you for reading this article.

29 September 2020 29 September

Nutrition: what is a balanced food today?

NutritionWhat is a balanced food today?

Nutrition: what is a balanced  food today

Haro on red meat, salt, sugar, and fat! At a time when food condemnations are raining down, what is left of nutritional balance?

"Let your food be your medicine". This formula attributed to Hippocrates, a tutelary figure of medicine, has been applied to all sauces, including those of the most absurd diets. But its success is not denied because it reaffirms a popular conviction: you have to eat well to be in shape. And it is not the repeated nutritional surveys of the last few decades that will contradict this impression.

In 2017, in the third edition of the vast Inca study (national individual study of food consumption), the National Agency for Food Safety (Anses) concluded that "the role of diet in the increase or prevention of certain diseases such as cancer, obesity or cardiovascular disease is now scientifically established".

Junk food kills

Too much salt, sugar and fat; too much highly processed food; not enough fiber, fruits and vegetables... The diagnosis is made: in our countries, it is no longer undernourishment, but dietary imbalance that kills. It is not enough to eat, we must eat everything. Last April, an international study published in The Lancet quantified the number of deaths worldwide due to poor diet at 11 million. That's one in five premature deaths... more than tobacco, which causes 8 million deaths every year.

Eating a balanced diet is not necessarily a self-evident notion. Is a balanced diet the same for Chinese and Italians? For the teenager and the old man? For the sportsman and the diabetic? The cardiologist advises you to balance your diet with more fatty fish. The gastroenterologist reminds us of the importance of fiber, and the pediatrician of dairy products. Finally, the geriatrician checks that the elderly person is consuming enough protein... However, there are no contradictions between these specialists because, in the end, the personalized advice of each doctor to his patient fits into a general nutritional plan that sets the conditions for a balanced diet in terms of public health.

Halting the progression of obesity

In fact, the National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS) was able to make people smile in 2001 with its invitations to eat five fruits and vegetables, but it did have a positive effect. "In 2016, the Esteban study showed that, over ten years, the progression of obesity and overweight in both adults and children in France had been halted. Public health campaigns were part of it," notes Dr. Chantal Julia, a physician and teacher-researcher at the AP-HP and the University of Paris-XIII.

In January 2019, in order to take into account the advances in research, the French Public Health Agency has therefore changed the recommendations of the "Eat-Bouger" program with a few new features:

 - Eat more legumes, such as chickpeas or lentils;
-  Increase the share of whole grain starchy foods, such as whole grain-bread or rice;
- Add nuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, rich in omega 3 and beneficial to the cardiovascular system;
- Limit the consumption of cold cuts and meats.

Various fruits and vegetables remain among the recommendations of the PNNS 2019 (French National Nutrition and Health Program), as well as the call to further reduce the quantities of sugar or salt.

Don't calculate everything

"Nutritional balance should not be viewed strictly in terms of a balance between input and output, nutrient intake and expenditure, but as a comprehensive health-promoting nutrition project," explains Dr. Julia. A functional vision of diet, limited to calculations of nutrient or vitamin intakes, cannot be permanently integrated into daily life, and on the other hand, it risks promoting orthorexia, an obsession with food control, the perverse effects of which are well known...".

It is for this reason that NSP boards should understand each other weekly rather than on a day-to-day basis, let alone meal by meal basis. And they also insist on the importance of exercise to combat sedentary lifestyles.

Eating a balanced diet does not mean filling out a balance sheet, but neither does it mean demonizing certain foods and banishing them forever. Rather, it's about valuing good products and encouraging variety. This is the objective of the Nutri-Score, the nutritional label launched by Santé Publique France in 2016. Its logos, which indicate the nutritional value of a food product based on a classification from A to E on a band colored from green to red, are intended to guide consumer choice. The ultra-processed products labeled E is not prohibited, but they are brought to the attention of the customer, who can thus limit their consumption.

"Besides, not all processed products in the same category, such as pizzas or industrial cookies, for example, all have the same E on a red background," notes Anne-Juliette Serry, head of the nutrition and physical activity unit at Santé Publique France. "Cookies with less fat, for example, or less hidden salts have a C rather than an E". And the consumer can find their way around immediately without having to consult the nutritional information, which is always written in lower case. "Indirectly, the Nutri-Score is also designed to encourage manufacturers to improve their recipes and take their products out of the red", confirms Anne-Juliette Serry.

Finally, eating well-balanced is now also eating ethically, since the environment and health are indissolubly linked. The public health researchers who are developing the PNNS are therefore assuming that they now also want to influence the improvement of foodstuffs by recommending short circuits, seasonal or even organic products, and by limiting pesticides.

    Thank's you for reading this article.

25 September 2020 25 September



Henna:What is henna?

What is henna?

Henna is a dye of plant origin obtained from the dried leaves of a fragrant plant.

Henna is a dye of plant origin obtained from the dried leaves of a fragrant plant (Lawsonia inermis, belonging to the family Lythraceae), mainly from the Indian subcontinent and North Africa.

It has been used for thousands of years for hair coloring and body painting. The molecule extracted from the leaves is marketed as a powder to be prepared in paste form.

Henna tattoos are also temporary tattoos: the pigments are applied to the skin and disappear after a few weeks.

Three types of henna are offered today:

  • the "natural" henna, from Lawsonia inermis ;
  • the "neutral" henna, from Cassia obovata, a plant of the Cesalpiniaceae family;
  • black henna, from Indigofera tinctorium, of the Fabaceae family.

How do you get a henna tattoo?

How do you get a henna tattoo

It is quite possible to offer you a henna tattoo... homemade! Of course, in  the beginning, the line will be hesitant, but with a little practice, your drawings will be more and more beautiful. Choice of henna, technique, tips: we tell you everything!

1)Henna Tattoo: With which henna?

No, henna is not only used to naturally color hair. The beautiful tattoos of Middle Eastern women are made with henna. If you want to do such a tattoo at home, be sure to choose your henna carefully in the store. You can either choose a ready-made henna paste or buy natural henna powder and mix it yourself. There are also ready-to-use henna tattoo cones available, which make it easy to use, especially for novices! If you choose to mix your own, mix 2 teaspoons of natural henna powder, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoons of powdered sugar, a few drops of essential oils, or rose floral water. The henna paste should be left to rest in an airtight container for about half a day. If you don't have a henna cone or a fine syringe, you can then fill a small freezer bag with henna paste, and cut a tiny corner to use as a pocket - just like in a pastry shop!

2)How to draw your henna tattoo? 

The advantage of a henna tattoo is that it doesn't last long - that's what makes it a beauty miracle product too! So, for your first attempts, if you have the hesitant, trembling line, it's okay, it won't last. You can get inspiration from patterns found on the internet, from books on the subject in bookshops, from drawings seen in magazines, but you can also practice with simpler figures - it is not obligatory to do a henna tattoo with Andalusian arabesques! Ideally, practice first on a sheet of paper, several times, and then hop! go to your skin. It is necessary, once the design is finished, to wait for at least 4 hours with the paste on your skin - don't plan to go out in the meantime! Once the henna paste has dried, it hardens and then cracks and... tadam! The tattoo appears underneath.

 3)How to prolong a henna tattoo?

A henna tattoo lasts between one and three weeks. To make your tattoo last longer, there are a few tricks! On the one hand, you can apply a moisturizing cream on the tattoo once it is dry. On the other hand, essential oils ensure that the henna tattoo will last longer: if you forget to apply some, it will not last as the coloring will not penetrate the deeper cells of the epidermis. Finally, if you don't feel like going it alone, you should know the precautions to take when getting a henna tattoo done: a well-informed woman is worth two!

What are the risks of henna tattoo?

What are the risks of henna tattoo?

The risk of allergy to traditional henna is minimal. However, many cases of severe contact allergy have been reported as a result of black henna tattoos. The allergy usually manifests itself as a rash of papules and blisters accompanied by itching on the tattoo; sometimes general signs (fever).

Allergic skin reactions such as eczema can occur within 48 to 72 hours, but also within 7 to 15 days after the tattoo has been applied. They can cause inflammatory reactions and leave permanent scars. The allergy can permanently mark the skin with scars or pigmentation disorders.

These allergies are mainly due to paraphenylenediamine or phenylenediamine (PPD), an illegal substance in France, added to natural henna to obtain a black tattoo (natural henna gives a brown color).

These manifestations may reappear upon re-contact with a product containing the molecule in question, such as hair dyes because the sensitization to the substance causing the allergy is permanent.

Cases of violent reactions requiring urgent medical intervention or even hospitalization have also been reported by the AFFSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency).

To avoid the risk of allergy, it is recommended not to be tattooed if the tattooist proposes:

  • a "natural black henna" tattoo: since natural henna has a brown color, chemical ingredients will probably have been added to it, among which may be paraphenylenediamine (or phenylenediamine) or other allergenic substances;
  • a henna tattoo with a fast drying time: a natural henna tattoo requires a minimum of 1 hour drying time;
  • a henna tattoo with a lifespan of more than 3 weeks. A natural henna tattoo rarely remains "indelible" for more than 2 weeks. It will then gradually lighten and fade.

19 September 2020 19 September


Lips: What is it?

What is it?

The lips correspond to the fleshy parts that mark the entrance of the mouth.

These are muscle tissues whose function is to articulate sounds and control food entering the oral cavity. From a medical point of view, the term encompasses the two red-pink bands (commonly called lips) as well as the lip contour.

This distinguishes an upper lip, which extends from the upper lip to the nose; and a lower lip, which extends from the lower lip to the chin fold.

In common parlance, "lips" essentially refers to the reddish-pink part.

Lips are particularly sensitive to dryness.

Their dehydration can lead to chapping and cracking. These lesions are not only a source of discomfort but also increase the risk of inflammation (cheilosis) and are a recurrence factor for cold sores.

In addition to the aesthetic aspect, taking care of your lips is therefore essential to limit the risk of disease and contamination by the herpes virus.

Why protect your lips?

Lips:Why protect your lips?

   The skin of the lips has a different structure from that of the rest of the body. It is very thin and does not have a corneal layer: it is therefore more fragile. In addition, it does not contain sebaceous glands or sweat glands: without a hydrolipidic film, it is less well protected from dehydration.

The lips are therefore particularly sensitive to drying, which results in :

  • a faded aspect.
  • tingling sensationstugging .
  • the presence of small, dry skin peeling off the surface of the lips.
  • cracks.

Cracking corresponds to extreme dryness that can go as far as cracking the surface of the lips.

This dryness often occurs in the winter, following prolonged exposure to cold, but various factors promote dehydration of the lips.

Poorly cared for, chapped lips can form cracks, painful fissures that are difficult to heal. These lesions of the lips increase the risk of herpes labialis outbreaks in people who are carriers of the virus, as well as the risk of cheilitis.

What elements promote their drying out?

Lips :  What elements promote their drying out?

The most common causes of dry lips:

  • Cold.
  • The wind.
  • The sun.
  • Dry atmospheres.
  • Insufficient hydration.
  • An unbalanced diet (for example, a restrictive diet low in essential fatty acids) or a vitamine deficiency .
  • Smoking, which impairs the assimilation of vitamins A and C, leads to blood circulation problems and is one of the main factors in premature aging.
  • Diabetes.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Fever.
  • repeated moistening of the lips with saliva, which increases dryness.
  • Breathing through the mouth.
It is necessary at the same time to limit dehydration on a daily basis and to protect the skin from aggressions.
 For that purpose:
  • Apply daily and throughout the year a protective balm.
  • in case of strong sunlight, opt for a protective balm with a sun filter (protection factor greater than or equal to 30).
  • Avoid tearing off dead skins. To remove them, wipe your lips with absorbent cotton, a clean washcloth or a soft toothbrush soaked in warm or hot water.
  • Avoid moistening the lips with saliva, which has a drying effect.

5 tips to heal chapped lips:

Lips: 5 tips to heal chapped lips

In summer as in winter, lips - which are very exposed - are subjected to harsh tests: excess sun, saltwater, wind, frost, excessively low temperatures. When they are chapped, they are dehydrated and irritated. Cracked, they are sometimes so painful that it is not pleasant to smile. Fortunately, there are natural and effective tips to care for chapped lips and a simple solution to prevent this inconvenience. 

Start with an ultra-gentle scrub

Exfoliate chapped lips with honey and a little powdered sugar. Remain to rub gently with a soft toothbrush moistened before rinsing and wiping. The lips are cleared of small skins, ready to receive care.

The lip stick, but without kerosene

The ideal is to always have at hand a lip balm in stick anti-crevasses with strong hydrating power. We prefer sticks based on vegetable oils and we avoid sticks with kerosene oil which have an unfortunate tendency to accentuate the drying process.

Honey for a greedy healing balm

To naturally care for chapped lips, it is highly recommended to apply a highly repairing mask several times a day: honey. Applied to the lips in a generous layer, it needs a fifteen-minute break before being removed with a soft, lint-free cotton pad soaked in warm water. Remain to dab the lips to dry them without irritating them. Honey has remarkable healing power. It thus makes it possible to fill the small cracks so painful. 

Shea butter for a repairing hydration

Drawn from the eponymous nut, the shea butter is famous to hydrate, soften, repair. Stuffed with vitamins A and E, it is the ally of chapped lips. The ideal is to coat the damaged lips with a thick layer of shea butter before going to bed then to keep this saving mask until the morning. As of the first application, the repairing functions of the shea butter will start to make their effect. This repairing mask for the lips can also be applied during the day.

Oil to relieve and protect

Coating chapped lips with an extremely greasy substance almost immediately relieves the discomfort of chapped lips and even creates a real protective barrier against moisture that amplifies cracks. Olive oil and sweet almond oil are good solutions, as are avocado oil and coconut oil. But castor oil is even more effective since it acts as a healing agent. All these vegetable oils make the lips silky smooth. 

It is possible to prevent chapped lips

Food can prevent chapped lips. We can give preference to vitamins of the B group, particularly present in whole grains, green vegetables, fish, meat, oilseeds such as nuts. Drinking a good amount of water every day helps to limit the dryness of the lips.

How to maintain the health of your lips?

Lips: How to maintain the health of your lips

Healthy lips are supple, comfortable, and have a uniform reddish-pink color due to the important vascularization of the underlying tissues. To keep them that way :

Adopt a varied and balanced diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Certain nutrients (are particularly beneficial to the health of the lips and skin in general.

Apply a protective lip balm daily and throughout the year. In case of intense sunshine, opt for a balm with a sun filter, with a protection factor greater than or equal to 30, and avoid lip glosses and lip glosses, which would increase the risk of "sunburn", or apply sun protection (lip balm or cream) beforehand.

Avoid moistening the lips with saliva, which can dry them out.

Wash hands before putting them in your mouth to limit the risk of mouth ulcers.

How do lips age?

Lips: How do lips age?

Lips and their contour are quickly marked by aging. This translates into the presence of wrinkles and a progressive loss of tonicity of the cutaneous and muscular tissues from the age of 30-40.

Visible signs of aging :

  • the formation of wrinkles at the corners of the lips.
  • the appearance of small wrinkles running upwards above the upper lip.
  • a decrease in relief between the red part of the lip and the white skin on top, with a progressive flattening of the philtral ridges and the cupid's bow.
  • a lengthening of the distance between the base of the nose and the upper lip, a phenomenon due to a decrease in muscle mass in the cheekbones.
  • small color irregularities.
  • a refinement of the lips, which seem to go inside the mouth.

  However, the signs of aging vary in intensity from one individual to another.

      Thank's you for reading this article .

18 September 2020 18 September

Beware of masks opaque anti blackheads

Beware of masks opaque 

anti blackheads

Beware of masks opaque  anti blackheads

Blackhead masks, which are very popular on social networks, do not comply with French standards and seem to be the cause of many undesirable effects.

So-called "black" masks, which aim to fight blackheads, have become a real phenomenon on social networks. But many reactions such as irritations, burns, and allergies have been reported by users, alerting the Federation of Beauty Companies (Febea).

The organization explains in a press release that it has "procured the most popular products for verifying label compliance through an online sales platform. These would be the following masks: "Black Mask" from One1x, "Suction Black Mask" from Cidbest, and "Purifying Peel-off Mask" from Buoceans. None of them would comply with European labeling standards. Febea also mentions "inconsistencies between the list of ingredients and the information on the shelf life of the product". While all three products were purchased from French sites, they would be manufactured in China and none of them are labeled in French, "which is mandatory". The actual composition of the masks in question has not been studied, but according to Pr Martine Bagot, head of the dermatology department at the Saint-Louis hospital, "these reactions must be caused by an irritant product in the mask and not an allergen".

Glue and coal

Some Youtubeuses go further and make their masks themselves. The recipe seems to be simple: a mixture of white glue for children and activated vegetable carbon powder. A natural component that helps eliminate waste from the skin, used in many cosmetic products, carbon does not seem to be a problem. But the glue, which contains solvents and irritating substances, can cause irritation and allergic reactions. In addition, many users add a mint extract, which is an additional irritant.

At first glance, the mixture seems to be effective. In reality, it literally scrapes the skin of the users by destroying the skin barrier. Once applied, the mixture can heat up, burn and be difficult to remove. The face then becomes more irritable and dry in the long term. The skin can no longer fulfill its primary function: to prevent the penetration of microbes and the evaporation of the water it contains.

Recognize an authorized product

"Some people have oily skin due to excess sebum production. It can sometimes be ugly if it is a big comedo, but you should not fix it with ultra-greasing mirrors" advises Pr Bagot.

The best solution to get rid of its blackheads remains a daily cleaning with a mild soap and the use of a keratolytic cream. This allows the skin to take off and thus eliminate the excess keratin which tends to grease the skin. "It is preferable to make a treatment against acne or a skin cleansing at the dermatologist's," advises Pr Bagot..

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How to avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs?

 How to avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs?

How to avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs?

Shaving alters the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis and abrases its surface.

It favors its drying and can be at the origin of a burning sensation, tingling, redness, irritation, pimples. An unsuitable shaving also supports the appearance of ingrown hairs.

To avoid these inconveniences:

  • Shave after showering or moisten your face with warm or hot water to  soften the skin.
  • Apply a pre-shave oil with light massaging motions, working upward to straighten hair. Do not rinse this oil off.
  • Use a shaving cream or foam adapted to your skin type:
  • if it is dry and easily irritated, prefer an oil-based "sensitive skin" solution;
  • If it is prone to blemishes, use an antiseptic foam instead.
  • Avoid multi-blade razors, and change the blade of the razor you use regularly
  • Don't start shaving in the direction of hair growth to limit ingrown hairs.
  • Choose an alcohol-free aftershave balm to soothe and moisturize the skin.  Apply a moisturizing care as a complement.

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17 September 2020 17 September

Facial care for men :What is it?

Facial care for men :What is it?

Facial care for men :What is it?

Men also take care of their facial skin! It is above all a gesture of hygiene and prevention which is not only the prerogative of women.

Men's skin is physiologically different from that of women.

It is less sensitive because it is thicker, both in the epidermis and the dermis:

  •  Its sebaceous glands being more numerous and more active, the   skin is greasier, and the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis richer.
  •  It is endowed with a denser vascular network.
  • It presents a more important pilosity, favored by the testosterone.

  The care for men thus answers specific problems:

  • Dehydration, the appearance of redness and irritation resulting from both shaving and certain after-shave treatments containing alcohol ;
  • The formation of ingrown hairs (folliculitis) causing small inflammations in the hair bulb.
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