Diet: which nutrients promote skin health?

Diet: which nutrients promote skin health?

A varied and balanced diet is essential for healthy skin. Certain nutrients contribute, particularly to its suppleness and hydration.

Proteins, which ensure the synthesis of the various fibers that make up the skin, such as collagen.
Proteins are found in fish, meat, dairy products, legumes, and whole grains.

Essential fatty acids, which participate in the construction of the different cells that make up the skin.
They are present in vegetable and fish oils.

Vitamin A, necessary for the regeneration of skin tissue.
It is particularly concentrated in certain foods of animal origin: fish, fish oils, offal, cheese, milk, butter (to be consumed in small quantities).

Beta-carotene, essential for the assimilation of vitamin A by the body (precursor of vitamin A) is provided by :

  • red and orange fruits and vegetables (carrot, tomato, pumpkin, apricot, melon, mango...);
  • dark green leafy vegetables (watercress, cabbage, spinach, lettuce...);
  • egg yolk, salmon, shrimps, chicken.

Vitamins B1 and B2, B6, and vitamin C, which play a major role in the maintenance and healing of skin tissue.

The main sources of vitamin B1: whole grains, citrus fruits, legumes, offal, pork.

Foods rich in vitamin B2: offal, eggs, pork meat, semi-skimmed and whole milk, whole grains, vitamin-enriched breakfast cereals or muesli, poultry, game, fish.

The best sources of vitamin B6: fish, poultry cereals, game, offal.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C: bell pepper, fennel, broccoli, cabbage, strawberry, mango, kiwi, orange, grapefruit...

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, preserves our cells from premature aging caused by the production of free radicals.

It is contained in hazelnuts, almonds, vegetable oils, wheat germ, whole grains, oily fish, butter (to be consumed in small quantities).

In general, antioxidant compounds (vitamin E, vitamin C, flavonoids, betalain ...) found in abundance in fruits and vegetables promote better resistance of the skin to external aggressions (sun, tobacco, pollution) and oxidative stress

Zinc participates in the maintenance of the skin's immune defenses and helps to limit the effects of oxidative stress.
Zinc is found in seafood, fish, eggs, red meat.