How to choose your moisturizer?

How to choose your moisturizer?

Your treatment must be adapted to your skin type.

Cream or fluid?

Creams, which are generally more oily, are better suited to dry skin.

Lighter fluids are better suited to oily or combination skin.

A too oily cream favors the appearance of acne. A cream that is too light can lead to the development of redness and irritation.

Day cream, night cream, what's the difference?

"Day" care products have a moisturizing and protective effect.

"Night" care products moisturize the skin and help it to regenerate. They are generally oilier than day creams.

Should I opt for anti-wrinkle treatment?

Skin aging begins around the age of 25.  From this age, the application of "first wrinkles" and then "anti-wrinkle" treatments around the age of 35 can help delay the appearance of the signs of aging, particularly wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle treatment must also be adapted to your skin type ( oily, combination, normal or dry). In the absence of precise indications, you should know that :

  • Rich" or "enriched" creams are more suitable for dry skin;
  • Fluid" or "light" skincare products are designed to meet the needs of oily skin.
However, the best protection against the signs of aging is still to use sun protection from childhood.

Is it better to adopt the full range of a brand or to use different branded products?

Most of the ranges are designed to ensure that all the care products in them are complementary. However, the choice remains a question of feeling and preference: it is perfectly possible to mix several brands without affecting the balance of the skin or the effectiveness of each product.

Do I need to change my facial care regularly?

The skin's balance is fragile: it is best to avoid upsetting it too often. Two moisturizing treatments, even if they appear equivalent, can cause different skin reactions.

If you have found a skincare product that suits your skin, keep it.

If, on the other hand, you feel that it no longer meets your skin's needs, try changing it.

However, it is advisable to try only one new treatment at a time, so that you can observe how your skin reacts to the new treatment.