31 October 2020 31 October

4 good reasons to eat pumpkinde

 4 good reasons to eat pumpkinde 

The pumpkin is not only used for Halloween decoration. Its flesh and seeds are eaten, with benefits for our health. Its nutrients help strengthen the immune system, stay in shape, lower blood pressure... A pumpkin to put on your plate too!

The pumpkin is in the spotlight for the Halloween party, but don't hesitate to put it on the menu for longer. Its flesh and seeds can be eaten ideally during all the autumn and winter months. This cucurbit belongs to the large family of squashes. Botanically speaking, it is a fruit and not a vegetable as is generally thought.

You can incorporate the pumpkin, after having grilled it in the oven, in your pasta, your risotto, or you can offer it as an accompaniment to meat. Not only will you enjoy it, but it will also be good for your health.

To strengthen your immune system

Consuming pumpkin helps replenish antioxidant nutrients such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene (vitamin A), known for their benefits on certain immune system functions. Protecting yourself from fall viruses is also a matter of good nutrition.

To keep the line

  • Pumpkin seeds, roasted or plain, are rich in magnesium, iron, and unsaturated fatty acids. To crunch for a light snack or to add to your salads, your morning cereal, or your soups, two excellent ways to preserve your health and your line.

  • As for the flesh of the pumpkin, rich in fiber, it is deconstipating and very digestible. Low in calories, it contains 91.6 g of water per 100 g of raw pumpkin (source: Ciqual table of the nutritional composition of foods). It is a food recommended as part of a balanced diet.

For blood pressure

The high amount of potassium in the pumpkin (340 mg of potassium per 100 g of raw pumpkin) helps to maintain a good blood pressure level. The seeds are also known for their properties to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For the health of the whole body

Some of the nutrients found in pumpkin maintain good liver, bladder, prostate, and eye health. This anti-inflammatory food would calm the digestive and urinary tracts. Its level of phosphorus would play an important role in the good health of bones and teeth.

To introduce children to this food, here are two special Halloween recipes from the Mômes par Parents website:

- a pumpkin pie

- a pumpkin soup.

29 October 2020 29 October

3 good reasons to eat mushrooms

 3 good reasons to eat mushrooms


Low in carbohydrates and calories, mushrooms are concentrates of vitamins and minerals. Button mushrooms, chanterelles, morels, boletus, or porcini mushrooms... Don't hesitate to taste the different varieties to find you're favorite and enjoy their health benefits.
3 good reasons to eat mushrooms

If mushrooms can be found year-round on the stalls, autumn, the wet season, is their preferred time of year. Harvest addicts can prepare their baskets (and contact their pharmacists) and take them out into the wild, so here are a few good reasons to enjoy all your favorite nutrient-rich, low-calorie mushrooms.

Rich in iron, minerals, and vitamins B

The only plant to make vitamin D, mushrooms also contain a high dose of protein, as well as vitamins B2, B3, and B5. Thanks to these nutrients, our body fights winter depression, strengthens its bones, stimulates its immune system, and maintains healthy skin. The list of nutrients in mushrooms also includes iron, zinc, copper, and selenium. Enough to make us want to prepare a good pan for dinner!

Mushrooms are slimming allies 

Mushrooms are a low carbohydrate, virtually fat-free foods. Composed of 80% or 90% water, they contain very few calories (30 calories per 100 g on average).

Thanks to their good amount of fiber, they contribute to the feeling of satiety, thus limiting the desire for snacking.

Another advantage: mushrooms stimulate metabolism. Vitamins help to convert food into energy for the body and to burn fat and protein better. Cooked in salads, soups, or stir-fried, they adapt to all our culinary desires and help us stay in shape.

Food good for the immune system

Some work has shown that the white fungus stimulates the immune response by increasing the production of antiviral proteins capable of protecting and repairing the body's tissues. Nothing better to fight against viruses and avoid diseases related to the change of season.

The consumption of mushrooms would also protect against bladder cancer, especially in women, and would help to fight free radicals thanks to its antioxidants.

Which mushrooms for which health benefits?

There are thousands of varieties of mushrooms, many of which have different nutritional profiles.

  • Button mushrooms are the ones that contain the most potassium. Containing 94% water, they are also very low in energy. An asset for the line!

  • Cremini and portobello mushrooms contain the most antioxidant ergothioneine.

  • Oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are the richest in fiber.

  • Raw maitake mushrooms are among the richest in vitamin D.

Conclusion: choose the mushroom you like and want to eat regularly. No matter which type you prefer, they all offer different benefits as long as you are sure that they come from a safe source and are non-toxic.

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27 October 2020 27 October

The good reasons to eat figs


 The good reasons to eat figs

Soft and sweet, the fig is the flagship fruit of September to be integrated with many savory or sweet recipes. It is rich in antioxidants, minerals, fiber, etc... A real mine of benefits for a reasonable calorie intake.

The good reasons to eat figs

Two to three figs (about 100 g) provide 10% of the daily requirement of calcium, a mineral essential for bones. It also contains 2.3 g of fiber per 100 g, an asset for good transit.

3 good reasons to eat figs 

The fig fights against constipation 

"It contains mostly insoluble fibers, especially in its skin and seeds, explains dietician Véronique Liégeois. The latter gorge themselves on the water in the digestive tract, they avoid hard and dry stools and facilitate the intestinal transit of the constipated people. "Dry figs are even more effective because they are richer in fiber and magnesium, which is also a laxative. But they are more caloric: 252 kcal/100 g. Be careful, they can contain sulfites, allergens!

Figs protect blood vessels


This fruit contains anthocyanins, pigments that give it its purple color, except for a few white varieties.

The fig improves the elasticity of the skin.


It contains flavonoids and selenium which are antioxidants. They act, among other things, on the skin by improving its elasticity and thus giving it more dynamism.

Caution in case of allergy or irritable bowel!

  • If you are allergic to birch: the fig contains peptides which are proteins close to those of birch (cross allergy between pollen and food). Eaten raw, the fig can then cause itching or burning sensations in the mouth, lips, and throat. It can be eaten cooked because cooking destroys the allergen.

  • If you suffer from irritable bowel or diverticulosis: avoid figs, because their achenes (small grains) are irritating. They can cause abdominal pain...

Buying and preserving figs

At the time of purchase, figs should be fleshy, slightly wrinkled, and soft under the finger. Be aware that they do not ripen after picking. You will find the most beautiful figs until October. From October on, you can taste the dried figs. The best ones come from Turkey and are bound with a sprig of raffia...

You have the choice between two varieties of figs: the juicy and tasty violets (Sollès, Macomb...) and the white ones, less tasty.

Figs can be kept for one to two days in the refrigerator, in an airtight box, because they absorb odors.

Cooking figs and recipe selection

It is an easy fruit to cook: many recipes are salty (in salads, with meat), sweet (pies, crumbles), without forgetting jams and chutneys...

25 October 2020 25 October

Beauty: how to make up well after 60 years old?


Beauty: how to make up well after 60 years old?

Style element made unavoidably, makeup is a brand of coquetry more than anything else. The idea of putting on make-up at 60 is not to camouflage the traces of your history and your career on your face. It is above all to highlight your attributes and not to try to look younger than your age. Here are a few recommendations for applying makeup according to the rules of the art after the age of sixty.

Beauty: how to make up well after 60 years old?

Rule n°1: a flawless complexion

For optimized make-up, the first thing to do after 60 years is obviously to take care of your skin. With time, the skin loses its suppleness and it is important to maintain it in order not to miss your make-up. Moisturizing care is required. The ideal is then to unify your complexion with a foundation that is none other than the base of the make-up.

Favor the fluid foundation of your natural complexion, to apply tone on tone. The idea is to shape a second skin via light and discreet make-up. Think of applying light anti-dark circles with a touch of blush which will illuminate your face. To enhance the cheeks naturally, a matte powder will give back a little freshness to your face.

Rule n°2: the glance highlighted

Second, eye makeup is just another pair of sleeves for the sexagenarians. The golden rule is above all to keep the eyebrows natural for a sparkling look. Concerning the eyes, it should not be forgotten that it is an area particularly affected by wrinkles at this age. Also, forget about anything that can close the eyes, such as pencils or shades that are too dark.

On the contrary, work on what will give radiance to your eyes, to your look. On your drooping eyelids, favor shades that enhance the color of your eyes. A little fantasy is always allowed, avoiding extravagance. Add discreet shades and a touch of mascara to further highlight your look.

Rule #3: redraw the lips

Finally, for the final touch, you will have to work on your mouth. Over time, your lips have lost their volume. More refined and suffering from fine lines, the lips must imperatively be put back in value. For that, redrawing them is essential. Choose a lip pencil of the same color as your lipstick to redraw the contour of your mouth.

However, dark colors should be banned to avoid a too strict look, in addition to further refining the lips. Overly bright colors such as fuchsia are also not appropriate for women over 60. Instead, opt for elegant pink to create the effect of plumped-up lips. A rosewood-colored lipstick is ideal, especially if you have tanned or fair skin.

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23 October 2020 23 October

Dental care: how to get reimbursed?

 Dental care: how to get reimbursed?

Dental care today has become very expensive. To help patients benefit from adapted care, the Health Insurance, and mutual insurance companies partially or fully cover consultations, dental care, prostheses, and orthodontics.

Dental care: how to get reimbursed?

Le remboursement de la consultation

Throughout our lives, we are led to consulting a surgeon. Consultations and care are covered by Health Insurance which reimburses patients on the basis of 70% of the conventional rate. This is 23 € for a dental surgeon and 28 € for a dental doctor. Conventional rates are those applied by sector 1 specialists. It is important to know that the amount to be paid to the dentist is the amount of the consultation plus any treatment performed.

Fee overruns and reimbursements for dental care and dentures 

Dentists and sector 2 stomatologists apply free fees. It is therefore not uncommon for patients to pay extra fees since the reimbursement provided by the Health Insurance is identical to that of sector 1.

Patients who have subscribed to a mutual insurance company can benefit from an additional reimbursement, the amount of which depends on the guarantees chosen.

The flat-rate contribution of €1, which is normally withheld for each consultation or examination performed, does not apply to consultations and care performed by a dental surgeon.

Reimbursement of dental 

A fee schedule specifies the different treatments and the associated conventional fee. These treatments include scaling, treatment of cavities, tooth devitalization, and tooth extraction. It should be noted that two types of fees exist. The first concerns people over 13 years of age and the second concerns people under 13 years of age. The latter is higher. Finally, the sealing of the grooves, special care performed on children under 14 years of age, is covered at 70% of the conventional rate but only once per tooth.

Reimbursement of dental prostheses 

Dentures are also reimbursed based on 70% of the conventional fee. These include crowns, inlays, bridges, and dentures. Dentures, on the other hand, are free of charge. Fees vary greatly from one dentist to another. It is therefore imperative to have estimates made and to inquire with your complementary health insurance to know the exact amount of the coverage.

Dental surgeons are required by the Health Insurance to set fees "with tact and measure". Under no circumstances can the specialist force a patient to accept a prosthesis. A signed estimate is imperative to begin this care.

Estimates must include a precise description of the treatment, the amount of the prosthesis, the fees related to the treatment, and the amount reimbursed by Medicare. Please note that a dentist can in no way take into account the coverage of the Assurance Maladie and the complementary health insurance to set his fees.

Reimbursements for orthodontic care 

Orthodontics is a special case. To be covered the treatment must be accepted by the Health Insurance via a prior agreement. Treatment must begin before the patient's 16th birthday. The request for prior agreement is filled out by the dental surgeon or stomatologist. If accepted, the orthodontic treatment is covered based on 100% of the conventional fee as well as the first year of support. Monitoring sessions are covered at 70% of the conventional rate. The same is true for the second year of contention.

Orthodontists' fees are free. Overruns of fees are not uncommon. It is essential to obtain an estimate before beginning treatment.

Good management of dental care and dentures

To ensure optimal care, it is advisable to give preference to sector 1 specialists or to find out about the reimbursements provided by the mutual insurance company before starting treatment. Whenever possible, it is necessary to ask for quotes. Consulting several dentists is sometimes important. All consultations are covered. It is also a good idea to be well-covered thanks to adapted complementary health guarantees. Do not hesitate to choose a good mutual insurance company if you are thinking of calling on a dental surgeon.

Dental care is expensive and too many French people give up on dental care due to lack of financial means. However, thanks to a good knowledge of the fees and reimbursements, it is possible to benefit from care adapted to your needs.

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22 October 2020 22 October

The benefits of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts

The benefits of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts

Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts are precious to protect our cardiovascular health and fight against bad cholesterol. These nuts make delicious and healthy snacks to be preferred.

The benefits of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts

Varying your nut consumption provides your body with many different nutrients.

Good nutrients for every nut

. The hazelnut provides vitamin E: a portion of 30 g (10 to 12 hazelnuts) provides 2 g or 20% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin that strengthens the immune system.

  • . The walnut is rich in omega-3: it contains 8 g/100 g of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. Our recommended daily intake is 2 g. They are easily reached with 20 g of walnuts, i.e. about 5.
  • . The almond to fill up with magnesium: it contains 232 mg/100 g when our daily needs are 350 mg of this mineral essential to the nervous influx, and of which 70% of women are deficient.

3 healthy reasons to eat nuts

1. Nuts satisfy hunger.

«Dried fruits provide between 16 g and 25 g of vegetable proteins per 100 g and between 5 g and 12 g of fiber, says Dr. Pascale Modaï, nutritionist. These two elements affect satiety. Taken around 5 p.m., nuts limit the caloric contributions of the evening. »

2. They lower cholesterol levels. 

They are rich in plant sterols, which are close to the structure of cholesterol. In the body, these sterols compete with cholesterol by trapping cholesterol in the digestive tract and limiting its passage through the intestine, thus reducing bad cholesterol by 10-15%.

3. Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts prevent obesity

They have a glycemic index of 15.

"This low index does not increase blood glucose levels and does not cause a spike in insulin, which ultimately leads to weight gain and risk of obesity," explains Dr. Modaï.

 Precautions before eating nuts

  • If you are allergic, nuts can trigger various symptoms in the minutes or two hours following ingestion: hives, asthma, nausea...
  • If you suffer from kidney stones, nuts contain oxalates that can trigger a painful attack.

Almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts: choosing and storing them.

When you shake the shell, you must not hear the fruit moving, otherwise it means it is dried out. Also, make sure that the shells are free of stains and holes.

You can store nuts in a cool, dry place for several months in an airtight box.

Three foods with which to cook nuts

  • Roquefort: it provides calcium and penicillin which has an anti-inflammatory effect protecting the heart. To be eaten with nuts on toasted country bread.

  • Pear: it provides fibers that stimulate intestinal transit. It is cooked in the oven, stuffed with walnuts, almonds, chopped hazelnuts sprinkled with honey. It can also be poached and eaten with toasted almonds.

  • Endive: it contains many minerals and trace elements, and can be combined with nuts and apple slices for a gourmet salad.

  • To read: the special issue "Bien manger" of Santé magazine (October-November 2020) with a big dossier on nuts.

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